We pride ourselves in providing our partners with the highest return on their investment while delivering the highest quality of care.

Physician Ownership

    1. Provide financing and accounting opportunities for physicians at all stages of practice to maximize their investment in a proven model
      1. Have to be sensitive to this as there are financial limitations but they do a great job of pulling physicians and providing them ownership in a provider entity.
      2. Older doctors were bought out and then they have this practice that they hand over to a younger doctor to works to pay it off
      3. This has to be done in a very SOFT way in describing it. 
      4. Be creative in how they get the next generation involved

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    1. 3 year ROI – fastest in the industry
      1. More profitable than the large dialysis chains
    2. Robust distributions and tax planning
      1. Even when there is debt, the distributions for tax purposes cover liabilities…. competition does not

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    1. Physician majority ownership
      1. 95% physician owned…unheard of in industry
      2. Willing to do 40/60 deal where IDG is the minority owner…they aren’t interested in that…goal is to make it so the physicians have a majority ownership ALWAYS
      3. When they sell, physicians have as much control as possible and can stay on if they want to in the event of an acquisition
    2. Exit strategies for retiring physicians
    3. Clinical
      1. Can be involved in as little or as much as possible
      2. They can focus on actually taking care of patients or doing clinical/administrative
      4. Can tailor to financial or clinical needs of the practice

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Proven Model

    1. Operating at 30% EBITDA for 10 years – DVA/FMC at 20% (competition publicly traded)
    2. 15 years of proven clinical and financial success
    3. 2 physicians retired and cashed out
      1. Don’t call out the number but call out they have successfully retired physicians
    4. The management team in dialysis has over 100 years of experience

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